In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter LSSICE), the general information data of this website are indicated:
• Holder: TEICHENNÉ SA (onwards, Teichenné)
• Address: Ctra. N-340, Km. 1197,80, Bellvei (Tarragona)
• Contact:
• Customer Service Telephone: 977168701
The address for the purposes of claims will correspond to the one indicated as the company’s registered office.
Teichenné, is a limited company with C.I.F. A08097180, registered in the Mercantile Registry of inscripción 1ª de Barcelona, Volume 936, Folio 62, H.B. 4761. He is the owner of the portal (hereinafter the portal, the web or the store indistinctly) and makes it available to Internet users, in order to allow the acquisition of the products marketed by the company and/or third parties if applicable.

The data collected through the website, or the mechanisms indicated therein, will be incorporated into the files owned by TEICHENNÉ SA. You can consult the Privacy Law at
Data treatment
Your data will be used for:
• Perfect, fulfill and control the correct fulfillment of the contract and the legal obligations of Teichenné.
• Manage your user account, access and actions carried out as a registered user.
• Send you newsletters and information, being able to unsubscribe at any time either through the email itself where an email address will be enabled or by entering in “My account” if you are already a registered user.
• Send you promotional communications about Teichenné products that have to do with your purchase or if you have requested it from us for any other product or commercial offer.
The data required through the forms or records that have an asterisk (*) are mandatory and without them the steps requested by the user will not be able to be carried out.
Commercial, promotional and newsletters communications
• Content of communications: Teichenné may send you promotional communications related to the products available on our website, it will never do so from third parties unless previously informed and with your consent.
• Means: Teichenné will send you such communications by any means (postal mail, telephone, email or any other electronic means).
In relation to promotional communications by electronic means, we will inform you in each of them, how to unsubscribe in a free and simple way. We will respond to your request as soon as possible and, in any case, within the established legal period.
Data modification and/or data cancellation
You can contact us at TEICHENNÉ SA, Ctra. N-340, Km. 1194,80, Bellvei (Tarragona), indicating in the subject – “RGPD” – for any question related to your personal data- and you can exercise your right of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation, portability and opposition at any time (without prejudice to the specific procedure for promotional communications for advertising purposes by electronic means).
Third party data
Before you provide us with any third-party data, you must have informed them and obtained their consent in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Teichenné does not make any decisions regarding this shipment and will only follow its instructions. The shipment will be immediate, so the subsequent correction of the referred address will not be possible. You should know that the security measures of our systems for the provision of this service are of a basic level.
We will not use or facilitate the data disclosed by you for any purpose other than the transmission of your message and, once this sending requested by you is completed, we will not save this data or any information, unless the law establishes it.

2. The contractual document that will govern the contracting of products and/or services through the website owned by Teichenné (hereinafter the provider) is set out below. Acceptance of this document implies that the user:
a. She has read and understands what is stated here.
b. That he is a person with sufficient capacity to contract.
c. That assumes all the obligations set forth herein.
3. These conditions will have an indefinite period of validity and will be applicable to all contracts made through the website.
4. The present General Conditions of Use and Contracting of the Teichenné website, together with the Particular Conditions that may be established, are intended to make necessary information available to the user and regulate the commercial relations that arise between Teichenné and the users of the web. Both the navigation, as the registration, the use and/or the acquisition of any products of the web, suppose the acceptance as User, without reservations of any kind, of each and every one of the present General Conditions of Use and Contract that, where appropriate, govern the acquisition of goods and / or the provision of services, as well as, where appropriate, the Particular Conditions, if any.
Teichenné may at any time and without prior notice, modify these General Conditions of Use and Contract and the Particular Conditions by publishing said modifications on the web so that they can be known by Users. This modification will not affect the goods or promotions that were acquired by the User prior to the modification.
2. Cookies: For the use of our website it is necessary to use cookies. Cookies are used in order to adjust our offers to the needs of users. If you wish, you can adjust your browser settings to be notified on the screen of the receipt of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies on your hard drive. Please consult the instructions and manuals of your browser to expand this information, and also our Cookies Policy.
The User is advised to read these conditions carefully.

Teichenné: Teichenné SA. Information society service provider in accordance with the LSSICE and owner of the website
User: Person who accesses the website either directly or through other pages or websites, and registers in order to purchase products for final consumption
General Contracting Conditions (CGC): these are the general contracting conditions that regulate the contractual relationship between Teichenné and the User.

On the one hand, the supplier of the goods or services contracted by the user is Teichenné with registered office Ctra. N-340, Km. 1194.80, Bellvei (Tarragona).
And on the other hand, the user registered on the website by means of a username and password.

The User may register on the web, in the “Login” section. To do this, you must enter the personal data required as mandatory. Registering as a user of the store will provide you with access to the web, to the purchase of products and to the receipt of informative bulletins (Newsletter) with information about the company and its products.
The user will select a username and password, agreeing to make diligent use of them, and not make them available to third parties, as well as to notify the provider of the loss or theft of them or of possible access by an unauthorized third party, in such a way that it proceeds to immediate blocking. The user has full responsibility for its use and custody, being responsible for the veracity of the personal data provided to the provider.
The user will not be able to choose as a user name words that are intended to confuse others by identifying them as a member of the provider, as well as abusive, insulting and generally contrary expressions to the law or the requirements of morality and good manners.

The purpose of this contract is to regulate the contractual relationship of sale born between the provider and the user at the time they accept the purchase during the contracting process.
The contractual relationship of sale entails the delivery, in exchange for a certain price and publicly exposed through the website, of a specific product or service.
These General Conditions are binding on both parties and form an integral and inseparable part of the sales contract. The effectiveness of this contract operates at the time of signing the order at the request of the User, through the contracting mechanisms that will be specified later, all in accordance with the provisions of art. 1.255 of the Civil Code that includes the principle of the autonomy of the will and agreements between the contracting parties

Teichenné operates through the website in Spanish territory, understood exclusively as the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, excluding: the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. From now on, this geographical area will be understood as “the Territory”. Teichenné only ships and distributes the products in the Territory. The use of this website, as well as any purchase made on it, is considered to have been made in Spain, and therefore subject to current Spanish laws and regulations. Teichenné does not accept or deliver orders outside the aforementioned Territory.
All of the above is indicated without prejudice to the fact that we may soon offer these services in the excluded areas, in which case it will be announced in advance on this website.

The descriptions of the products offered on the portal are made based on the Teichenné product catalogue.
The photographs, graphic or iconographic representations and videos related to the products, as well as trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained on the website are intended to provide the most information, however, the User must bear in mind that they are for guidance purposes and are therefore not exhaustive.
It is necessary to warn the user that in some cases the images offered with the description of the product may not exactly match, in these cases the description of the product that is made in the purchase card will always prevail. These cases will be exceptional since the intention of Teichenné is to always offer a faithful image of the product offered.
Likewise, to guarantee more complete information we will also indicate the existence or not of stock of the product as soon as possible. In the event that the product is not available after the purchase has been made, Teichenné will inform the User of the total or, where appropriate, partial cancellation of the order and the refund of the price, if applicable.

The price of each product will be the one stipulated at all times on our website, except in the case of a manifest error. Although we try to ensure that all prices on the page are correct, errors may occur. If we discover an error in the price of any of the products that you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price or cancelling it.
Prices may change at any time, but (except as stated above) possible changes will not affect orders for which we have already sent you a Shipping/Order confirmation.
The prices indicated for each product include the Value Added Tax (VAT) or other taxes that may be applicable and in any case they will be expressed in the euro currency (€). Said expenses, unless expressly indicated otherwise, do not include shipping, handling, wrapping, shipping insurance or any other additional services and attachments to the product purchased. The price of the product, the applicable taxes and the shipping costs will appear broken down at the time of purchase, so that the user can know exactly what each one corresponds to.
The prices applicable to each product will be those published on the website, and applied automatically by the contracting process in the last phase of the same. In any case, this will always be previously communicated to users.
For any information about the order, the user may contact Teichenné Customer Service through the email or the Customer Service Phone 977168701.
Teichenné reserves the right to modify its prices at any time. The products will be invoiced at the price in force at the time of purchase, except for obvious typographical errors.

The contracting procedure and the pre-contractual information is in Spanish and this language will be used to carry out the contracting. . If it can be carried out in another language, it will be indicated before starting the contracting procedure.
Recruitment process
The user to access the products offered by the provider and make a purchase through the web, must register by creating a user account. For this, the user must freely and voluntarily provide the personal data that will be required.
Once the user account has been created, it is reported that in accordance with what is required by art. 27 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the contracting procedure will follow the following steps:
Once you have made your selection of products, adding them to the cart, the next step will be to process the order and make the payment. In more detail, it is indicated below:
5. Click the “Cart button” at the top right of the page.
6. Click on the “Buy button”. On this screen you can see the cart summary with the selected products, price, taxes, shipping costs (if applicable) and / or insurance if applicable. You can remove any product if you wish by giving the option to remove.
7. If you agree with the selected products, click on the “Buy and proceed to payment button” and fill in the billing information, shipping information and payment method. On this screen, you must validate and accept these General Contracting Conditions, which are the ones that will govern the contracting carried out.
8. Once the required data of your chosen payment method has been entered, click on “Finish order”, enter your card details and your purchase will be finalized.

Payment methods offered are those indicated on the website in the payment process:
– Credit card
If your payment method is a bank card, by clicking on “Buy and proceed to payment” you are confirming that the credit card is yours.
Credit cards will be subject to checks and authorizations by their issuing entity, but if said entity does not authorize payment, we will not be responsible for any delay or non-delivery and we will not be able to formalize any contract with you.
Teichenné will send the user’s email, within twenty-four hours (24 hours) after receiving the order, an email acknowledging receipt and confirmation of the purchase made. The order of products and, therefore, the contract will be understood to be formalized and perfected at the time of receipt of payment of the price by Teichenné.

The payment of the price and the shipping costs of the products purchased through the web is made at the time of purchase and Teichenné will send you an email confirming the purchase made.
The User must notify Teichenné, by email or by phone, of any undue or fraudulent charge on the card used for purchases on the web, in the shortest time possible, in order for Teichenné to carry out the procedures that you consider convenient.
Likewise, Teichenné states that it does not have access to or store sensitive data related to the payment methods used by the User, except for those strictly necessary for the management of the payment. Only the corresponding financial institution processing the payment has access to these data for the management of payments and collections. Once the purchase process is completed, an electronic document is generated in which the contract is formalized and that the user can print.
Teichenné reserves the right to cancel orders in the cases and in accordance with the terms and conditions indicated in the “Payment of Products” section of these Conditions of Use and Contract.
Teichenné will issue a physical invoice that will be sent to the User’s email, if the User so requests.
The invoice will be issued in the name of the person who places the order, so the User must make sure to provide the correct and complete data of the buyer. Subsequent changes will not be possible.
Teichenné warns that, to preserve the confidentiality of the data, duplicate invoices will only be issued to the contract holder. No duplicates will be issued to third parties. Teichenné will not send duplicate invoices by fax or by mail.

3. Place of delivery
Teichenné undertakes to deliver the product in perfect condition to the address indicated by the User and which, in any case, must be within the Territory. In order to optimize the delivery process, the address indicated by the User must be an address where delivery can be made within normal business hours.
If at the time of delivery of the product at the indicated address, the User is absent, the carrier will leave a notice indicating how to proceed to arrange a new delivery. . If, after fifteen days (15 days) from the date of the notice, the User has not contacted the carrier to arrange a new delivery date, the products will be returned to the Teichenné warehouses and the User must take charge of the Return shipping costs, as well as possible associated management costs (if applicable).
In this way, Teichenné does not assume any responsibility when the delivery of the product does not take place as a result of the data provided by the user being false, inaccurate or incomplete or when the delivery cannot be made for reasons beyond the control of the shipping company, assigned for this purpose, as is the absence of the addressee, in these cases.
4. Delivery Time
The maximum term for the delivery of products, unless there are circumstances of force majeure, is forty-eight (48) hours on business days from when the payment is made in accordance with the chosen means. All this without prejudice to the existence of force majeure or when, due to any circumstance beyond Teichenné, delivery cannot be made, in which case the user will be notified as soon as possible.
Teichenné does not deliver products on Saturdays, Sundays, national, regional and local holidays.
Delivery is considered to have been made from the moment in which the product has been made available to the User at the place of delivery indicated by the User.
The risk of the products (among others, loss, impairment or theft) will be transmitted to the User from the moment the product/s have been made available to the User in accordance with the provisions of these Conditions.

e) Right of withdrawal
The User will have a maximum period of fourteen (14) calendar days from receipt of the product to withdraw from the purchase. The shipping costs derived from the return will be borne by the user / buyer.
Once the 14-day period has expired, Teichenné will not accept returns for the withdrawal of product purchases. The term is considered fulfilled if you make the return before said term has expired.
The User will not have the right to withdraw from the purchase in the cases established in the applicable regulations. In particular, with an enunciative and non-limiting nature, you may not return: (i) Any sealed product that is not suitable to be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene and that has been unsealed after delivery, (ii) Products made according to the User’s specifications or clearly personified; (iii) Used products, or (iv) Goods that may deteriorate or expire quickly.

In the event of desisting from the purchase of a product, the following requirements must be met:
4) The product must be in the same state in which it was delivered and must keep the original instructions, documentation, accessories, packaging and labelling. If it is sealed or closed, the opening device must be kept intact.
5) The return to Teichenné must be made using the same box or envelope used in the delivery or, failing that, in a similar format that guarantees the return of the products in perfect condition.
6) A copy of the proof of purchase and the delivery note of the products must be included in the package, where the returned products and the reason for the return are also marked.

f) How do you have to proceed for the return?
4. Send us the completed return form that can be downloaded from here to the following address: Ctra. N-340, Km. 1194,80, Bellvei (Tarragona), by web at or by Mail to to inform us of your return and we will give you the appropriate instructions.
5. You must return the goods directly to us at the address Ctra. N-340, Km. 1194,80, Bellvei (Tarragona), without any delay, no later than 14 calendar days from the date on which notify us of the withdrawal.
6. If you have any questions about the return process, please contact us through the contact email or by calling Customer Service 977168701.

g) Refund of the Price of the products
Provided that the User has followed the “Returns” procedure and the requirements established in these General Conditions or those indicated by Teichenné have been met, it will reimburse the price paid by the User corresponding to the returned products, less expenses. of shipping that were motivated by the return.
The User will not be entitled to a refund of the price of returned products that are not in the same conditions in which they were delivered or the requirements established in these General Conditions have not been met.
Partial returns of an order will result in partial price refunds.
Teichenné will manage the price refund order through the same payment system used by the User to purchase the products.

Teichenné may retain the refund of the price until the goods have been received in the Teichenné warehouses.
h) Return of defective products
Without prejudice to what is established in this section and any other rights that may correspond, the User will have the right to reimburse the price of defective products or products delivered if they do not correspond to the order placed by the User and the shipping expenses did not correspond.

In these cases, the return of the products to Teichenné must be carried out by the User through the procedure established by Teichenné, although the User shall not be responsible for the costs of returning the products.
Provided that the User has followed the procedure established by Teichenné and the requirements established in these General Conditions have been met, Teichenné will refund the price paid corresponding to the returned products that are defective or that do not correspond to the order of products made by the User, in accordance with the provisions of section C.

The User may exercise the guarantee of a product according to current regulations on the guarantee of consumer products, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws. In case of doubt, the User can contact Teichenné.
To make use of the guarantee, it is essential to keep the proof of purchase and the delivery note of the products.

The user acknowledges and accepts not to carry out any activity that goes against (by way of example and not limitation) the copyright, registered trademark, logos, texts, photographs, icons, images, etc., as well as graphic design, source code, rights of intellectual property, nor on the materials or contents that are provided as part of the website, since they are from Teichenné or third parties.
The public information contained in the Teichenné website referring to both the Teichenné company and the brands, products, logos, etc. of third parties are protected by the legal provisions on intellectual and industrial property, for which the copy, transmission, assignment, alienation or use by the User is not authorized, unrelated to the advertising purpose of its virtual publication, unless they have the consent express of Teichenné, or of the third party owner.

The user undertakes not to misuse this website by intentionally introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or any other technologically harmful or harmful program or material. You will not try to have unauthorized access to this website, the server where this page is hosted, computer or database related to our website. You agree not to attack this website through a denial of service attack or a distributed denial of service attack.
Failure to comply with this clause could lead to the commission of offenses classified as a crime or infraction by the applicable regulations. We will report any breach of these regulations to the competent authorities and we will cooperate with them to discover the identity of the attacker. Likewise, in case of breach of this clause, you will immediately cease to be authorized to use this website.
We will not be responsible for any damage or loss resulting from a denial of service attack, virus or any other technologically harmful or harmful program or material that may affect your computer, data or materials as a result of the use of this website or the download of its contents or to which it may redirect.
Teichenné will not be liable for interruptions that occur in electrical or telecommunications services that prevent Users from using the services offered.

These General Conditions are governed by Spanish legislation.
In the event of controversy or disagreement arising from the purchase of products through the website and/or these General Conditions and for the resolution of any conflicts, the parties agree to submit to the Barcelona Courts, EXCEPT that by right corresponds the jurisdiction at the User’s address.